Pesticide Details

Pesticide Etridiazole (Terrazole) 3-DCMT metabolite
PC Code 084701
CAS Number 2593-15-9
Type of Pesticide Fungicide
Type of Organism Fishes
Common Name Sheepshead minnow
Scientific Name Cyprinodon variegatus
Age 0.9 g
Guideline [72-3] Estuarine/ Marine Fish, Shellfish, Shrimp Acute using TGAI or TEP (FIFRA 158.490)
Test Type [S] Static system (aquatic)
% AI 98%
Study Length 96 hr
Dose Type [LC50] 50% Lethal Concentration in diet or water
Toxicity 23 Parts Per Million
95% Confidence Levels 21-26
Probit Slope N.R.
NOEL 3.7
Study Date 2017
Review Date
MRID, ACC, TN Numbers 50332101
Laboratory Springborn Laboratory Inc., Wareham, MA-later Springborn Smithers Vincient
Reviewer Contract draft CDM
Batch Number
Eggs Laid
% Eggs Cracked
% Eggs Viable
% Live Embryos
% Egg Hatch
14 Day Survive
Growth Effect